This content requires the base game Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution on Steam in order to play.
The Imperial Guard Death Korps of Krieg Regiment Pack adds the iconic Imperial Guard regiment to Warhammer® 40,000®: Dawn of War® II: Retribution™ with ten unique models for the major multiplayer units as well as the Death Korps of Krieg distinctive color patterns. The Lord General is updated with the distinctive Death Korps gas mask and uniform his regiment also now sports the uniform and look of the Death Korps. The Commissar Lord also wears the Death Korps gas mask and his Commissar brethren have also taken their rightful places atop the turrets of the Chimeras and Leman Russ tanks of the Death Korps, sporting new animations as they command the forces of the Imperium into battle. The Inquisitor has donned a unique skull faced gas mask. The Imperial Guardsmen all sport the distinctive gas masks, uniforms and lasrifles of the Death Korps including the Sergeants and Heavy Weapons teams. The Leman Russ has been updated to bear the mighty Executioner Cannon as well as its new Commissar and the Ogryns have been updated with gas masks as well.
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