Inspired by the emotional storytelling and thrilling action of anime and indie gaming, The World Next Door follows Jun, a rebellious teen who finds herself far from home in the magical and mysterious world of Emrys. As she encounters a colorful cast of otherworldly creatures, Jun must learn to rely on her new friends to get back to Earth before time runs out.
- Journey into Emrys, a magical world brought to life with anime-inspired characters designed by Lord Gris
- Play as Jun, an adventurous teenager, who must use magical runes and the help of her friends to defeat opponents and find a way home
- Cast spells by activating magical runes in fast-paced, real-time combat that mixes the fun of puzzle-combos with action gameplay
- Immerse yourself in a supernatural story with branching dialogue and reputation systems that affect your relationships with characters in the game
- Focus on the story while still enjoying the gameplay using Assist Mode
- Challenge your friends in the lightning-fast Versus Mode