Welcome friends to The Battle of Polytopia, a unique turn-based strategy game involving strange lands and charismatic tribes, clever technologies, captivating magic where the ultimate goal is to rule the world. Obvs!
- Turn-based civilization strategy game.
- Single-player and online multiplayer for up to twelve players (PC, Mac OSX) including matchmaking.
- 4X gameplay (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate).
- Choose to play as one of 12 tribes each with their own unique nature, culture and attributes.
- Exploration, warfare, farming, building and technology research provide a richly rewarding and varied gameplay experience.
- Auto-generated maps ensure each game is a totally new experience.
- Online leaderboards featuring the top scores for the best civilization builders.
- Five map types – tiny, normal, large, huge, and massive!
- Configurable map types – Dryland, Lake, Continents, Archipelago and Water World.
- Three game modes – Perfection, Domination and Creative.
- Player Avatars.
- Allow Mirror matches (same tribes can meet in the same game).
- Keyboard controls and shortcuts.