Embark on an epic quest to rescue your friends, combat the vampire apocalypse, and survive the chaos of freshman field hockey practice in #BLUD. This animated dungeon crawler blurs the boundaries between action RPGs and hyperactive 90s cartoons in a delightfully zany adventure.
Join Becky Brewster, the new kid in town and heir to an ancient bloodline of vampire hunters, as she navigates high school life while battling the undead. Use social media to uncover demonic infestations, snap selfies with demons to uncover their weaknesses, and power up your trusty fiend-thwacking field hockey stick.
Level up your magical abilities with grimoires and school supplies, and team up with a quirky cast of characters to show the vampires who's boss at Carpentersville High. Get ready to laugh, fight, and survive in this wild ride through high school mayhem!