The Settlers: Heritage of Kings History Edition EN/DE/FR/PL/ES EU
Heritage of Kings The Settlers è un gioco di strategia di costruzione del mondo con grafica 3D completamente renderizzata e un gameplay inevitabilmente avvincente. I giocatori possono immergersi in un mondo medievale dettagliato che offre un mix unico di RTS e gameplay di simulazione . È possibile creare una comunità pienamente funzionante, scoprire nuovi progressi e respingere le forze nemiche! Caratteristiche: 20 missioni medievali sfidano i giocatori a creare il proprio regno conquistando
Planet Zoo - South America Pack DLC Global
Arricchisci il tuo zoo con oltre 250 nuovi elementi scenici ispirati al meraviglioso e diversificato continente sudamericano. Prenditi cura e scopri cinque nuovi animali unici e crea zoo con fogliame e architettura distinti che vanno dai verdi rigogliosi del bacino amazzonico alle vette della catena montuosa andina. Dai il benvenuto nei tuoi zoo a cinque nuovi animali iconici provenienti dalla regione sudamericana: il giaguaro, il lama, la scimmia cappuccina, il formichiere gigante e la raganell
Zotrix EN/DE/FR/IT/ES Global
Zotrix is an arcade space shooter inspired by early shooter games on arcade machines from 80's and early 90's. Designed for all generations it contains missions with nice and colorful enemies while focused on the arcade element of the gameplay.This being said, this is an upfront disclaimer about a lot of repetitiveness in the gameplay as it is the case with older arcade games.You dive into deep space escorting a cargo ship from your fleet. Quickly you realize you're within the boundaries of enem
Witchcraft EN Global
In Witchcraft you will be able to create your own character configuration and fight against your friends, or AI, in 1vs.1 or 2vs.2 battles. The way you customize your character and the way you manage yourself in the battlefield, will have huge consequences in leading you to victory or defeat.
Pick 4 spells from a total of 18 unique spells.
Combine their powers to get an advantage over your enemies.
Synergyze your skills with your partner´s in 2 vs. 2 combat
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War of Power: The Last Fight EN/RU Global
In 1941, shot down UFOs were found on the territory of Romania, Poland and the USSR. The captured technology of aliens helped the Allies and the Axis to strengthen their power and go far in development.Parties to the conflict are waging an aggressive war against each other, but now the outcome of the war may change at any time ...